Welcome to the site La Suisse raconte

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Good year 2025!

Culture & Nature

“The culture to a social impact, emotional, intellectual and symbolic,

because it allows us to imagine new possibilities,

in a changing climate.”




Among the offerings of the Museum of Tales and Stories,
ONCE UPON A TIME IN SWITZERLAND – Contes suisses à croquer!
For all events
Discovering Swiss tales,
presented for example during the August 1st celebration 2024 in Vevey!
Tales told in pictures in a giant chocolate bar!

Participatory storytelling sessions

“Life is like a fairy tale ; what matters, it is not its length, but its value.” – Seneca

La Contographie de La Suisse raconte est un site interactif ouvert à tous, which allows you to browse Switzerland through its tales and legends. You can also add information and participate in the various events offered across the country by associations, libraries, museums,book fair,, museums or private, as you learn more about the story by visiting our list of links and publications.

This site allows you to :

Switzerland tells is a non-profit association which aims to promote storytelling, reading and awakening to books in Switzerland, to make the narrative recognize its function in the sustainability of development (ODD2030) and peace, de développer des projets valorisant le patrimoine culturel immatériel, son accès à tous et de préserver l’héritage oral de la Suisse par la collaboration autour des contes. In particular, it offers a the StoryMuseum and workshops cultural mediation.

Switzerland tells – Contographie of Switzerland est répertorié dans la collection des Archives Web Suisse, qui rassemble des sites web d’importance patrimoniale de la Suisse conservés à long terme.

On display among the next storytelling events:

weekly meetings

Kamishibai Storytime and Born to Read  in Vevey (CEO) by the Museum of tales and stories “Outside the Walls”

one-off meetings

Court of Tales Festival à Plan-les-Ouates (GE)

Contribute too!

Many events can be found on the events page

a possibility for all structures,

associations, libraries, museums,book fair,, festivals, museums, tourist offices and storytellers

announce your events! (free registration)