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... Contes et légendes de Genève ...

Have you met the black cat ruins Roillebeau, Wyvern or near the Rhône, to Epeisses ? Or the head of King Herod rolling along the Arve, the islands of Veyrier ? We tried to make us believe that Geneva has no legends in this statement is, Legend. For verily, or the malice of men, or the effects of the Reformation, or the lights of the Enlightenment are able to abolish the legends that run this small country of Geneva since the dawn of time. One could argue the contrary, our time, whether any technical, favored the return of old stories, ancestral beliefs. The archaeological excavations of St. John's Cathedral or have not only brings back the bones of our dear ancestors, but the myths they were tied. Legends, traditions form a substrate on which we continue to live, whether we like it or not. And if tomorrow you're invited to hunt daru, or pull the chariot of the Beast, do not refuse, because it is a way to strengthen your roots. This little book should help you there, and that is why – and you – it was written. (Payot)