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... Le voyage de Milena ...

During the traditional "storytelling night in Switzerland", the CIP media library offers a children's story every year at the end of the afternoon. This will take place on Friday 14 November. Caroline Aeby storyteller and Gustavo Dolyenko, guitarist, we will follow the adventures of a little yellow post-it named Milena, because it's a girl.

Milena, petit post-it jaune, est née un matin, juste avant l’aube…

Tendrement écrite, tissée de quelques lettres et déposée sur le rebord de la bibliothèque, his life begins between the Petit Robert and a large atlas. The books all around her, remplis de mots, de phrases et de paragraphes, suddenly make him feel tiny, insignificant. Milena, decides to leave to grow up, with the hope of adding words to its own story!

During his journey on foot, on the back of a turtle, by train, by registered mail or by boat, she meets many characters. She hears countless stories including that of an African king. She trembles in front of the terrible Baba Yaga of the Taiga, and cry with Maui, fisherman from a Polynesian island…

The music that accompanies Milena adorns and punctuates her journey with multiple colors. Milena discovers that she is present in a lot of stories; his "few letters" are read on the lips, slip into the ears and hear in all languages.

Milena then realizes that even though she is not very tall, it is told and known all over the world.

The tale is followed by the traditional " 4 hours ”prepared by the librarians of the CIP media library


Date 14 November 2014
Time 17:30 - 19:00
Place Médiathèque du CIP
Ch. des Lovières 13
Type of event National Swiss storytelling Night
Target Audience Enfants dès 5 years
Language French
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