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Participatif - Spectacle / Théâtre d'objets

Stories to savor with the family!

Randonnées, rhymes, ecological tale and other invented stories!

Participatory mini-shows and readings

Puppetry - Youth littérature

From 12 month

Realisation: Words and Colors
Médiation: the StoryMuseum

Sur réservation for all types of events, festivals, schools, libraries, museums,book fair,, museums, House of fairytales,, etc..
museedescontes@bluewin.ch or +41 78 753 31 36

Agenda 2024

1er juin 2024 – Vevey (CEO) – Court of the Future, Freiburg Street 11, Place Robin at 5 p.m.

6 July 2024 – Vevey (CEO) – Court of the Future, Freiburg Street 11, Place Robin at 5 p.m.

7 September 2024 – Vevey (CEO) – Court of the Future, Freiburg Street 11, Place Robin at 5 p.m.

Agenda 2023

27 more 2023 – Vevey (CEO) – Court of the Future, Freiburg Street 11, Place Robin at 5 p.m.

24 June 2023 – Vevey (CEO) – Court of the Future, Freiburg Street 11, Place Robin at 5 p.m.

29 July 2023 – Vevey (CEO) – Court of the Future, Freiburg Street 11, Place Robin at 5 p.m.

26 th of August 2023 – Vevey (CEO) – Court of the Future, Freiburg Street 11, Place Robin at 5 p.m.



3 September 2022 – Veysonnaz (VS) – Place aux Mômes Festival

2 October 2021 – Vevey (CEO) – “Little Man's Great Hunger”- Inauguration of the epicoop cooperative at 2 p.m. Canceled

23 September 2021 – Vevey (CEO) – “When we have eaten the planet” / On the playground, avenue Reller 4 14:30 / Participatory reading-show followed by a workshop for planting flower bulbs that will adorn the flowerbeds in the spring 2022 as part of the participatory approach and exhibition for climate and sustainability in Vevey. In collaboration with Agenda21.

28 more 2021 – Vevey (CEO) – “When we have eaten the planet” – Musée des contes “Outside the Walls”, Espace Bel-Air neighborhood center at 10:30 am

26 more 2021 – Vevey (CEO) – “When we have eaten the planet”- Journée de la lecture à voix haute (location and time awaiting confirmation)

17 October 2020 – Vevey (CEO) – “When we have eaten the planet” inauguration of the Marronnier – local de transition – in collaboration with Permariviera, SALT and Epicoop
13 November 2020 – Etagnières (CEO) – Night fairy Switzerland

“Let's eat!”

Cultural mediation – Agenda 2030

SDG activity for schools, festivals, markets or others … ON THE PLANET MENU!

Installing culture in the Agenda2030 – Participatory show – Planting and compost workshop …

museedescontes@bluewin.ch for + info!