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Yesterday's stories for today

Promotion and transmission of Swiss intangible cultural heritage tales.

Fantastic and marvellous characters of Swiss stories and légendes bring you on a visit of the different regions of Switzerland , from the plaines up to the mountains!

The opportunity to discover the pearls of the oral and literary heritage of Switzerland.

Il était une fois la Suisse © Nathalie Jendly, 2018

Tailored by: Nathalie Jendly
Réalisation du dispositif: Mike Carpenter
Avec Amina Jendly et Nathalie Jendly

Découpage: Marianne Dubuis
Visual: Jérôme Cherix


1August 1 2024 – Place du Marché during the August 1st festivities under the big tent from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., Vevey (And)


12 & 13 December 2020 – The Locle (NE) – Clock Museum

Canceled due to COVID-19 – 12 November 2020 – La Tour-de-Peilz (CEO) – Night fairy Switzerland The Doges


1st to 24 December 2020 (extended until 31 December) – Vevey, Plan-Dessus district, “The little Christmas goat” fairy tale from Valais by S. Corinna Bille on display, to be read in the open 24 hours a day 24 on the windows of the district! ( 9th edition of the Windows of Advent – Covid-compatible) – Drawing contest (exhibition in the window of the Maison de quartier Espace Bel-Air until the end of January 2021) / Radio-Chablais interview

28 février et 1er mars 2020 – Mâcon (FR) – Ursuline Museum as part of the exhibition “A la conquête des sommets”

Canceled due to COVID-19 – reported in 2021 – 16 July 2020 – Veysonnaz (VS) – Evening Convivi’Alp

Canceled due to COVID-19 – reported in 2021 – 13 November 2020 – La Tour-de-Peilz (CEO) – Night fairy Switzerland The Doges

Canceled due to COVID-19 – reported in 2021 – 12 & 13 December 2020 – The Locle (NE) – Clock Museum.



Amina Jendly © Marie-France Zurlinden

Le MDC, the StoryMuseum “Outside the Walls” presents a large choice of stories to discover and transmit to the young generations some of the Perls of the oral heritage and Helvetic literature.!
Presented in the unique support of a giant chocolate tablet of stories!!

Created as part of the Fête des Vignerons 2019 in Vevey – Tour of legendary Switzerland on the occasion of 10 years of the association of Switzerland tells / 18 th of July 11 th of August 2019 – Vevey (CEO) lors de la Le Musée des contes s’associe à la Fête des Vignerons 2019 – ONCE UPON A TIME IN SWITZERLAND – Chalet des contes suisses – Espace jeunesse au Jardin Doret de 10h à 12h30 et de 14h à 18h.

Presented at the invitation of the Swiss Embassy in Tehran at the Alliance Française school and the Résidence Suisse as well as at the Night of the Museums at the Alimentarium de Vevey.

Vous aimeriez accueillir ce spectacle interactif vous aussi? so book
+ info and reservations at museedescontes@bluewin.ch and telephone 078 753 31 36

In collaboration with the Cie The Adventurers

Sincere thanks to the Nestlé Archives and Presence Switzerland