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Discovering stories

... The master Fournier S. Connect ...

Jules Gross “Récits, contes et légendes des Dranses”, Publishing the Map, 2000 – page 135

In the early days of which I speak, in the good old days, we do not yet said S. Connect, but the village of S. White, because of its patron saint, saint Pancrace. Etre bourgeois de S. Brancas n’était pas un mince honneur. Le bourg avait été une des premières localités à posséder des franchises, and if I think a legendaryVillage de Sembrancherof the Saxon, Squire S. Brancas sat with that of Martigny and Saxon in the village destroyed Arbaray.

In the good old days so, while still stood, above the town, Castle of St. John with its towers and high walls, and only two were seen not another castle, that of Etier, a citizen of this nice town, the master fournier, been eagerly awaited for more, an hour in the house of another bourgeois, nommé Philibert. Philibert demeurait dans la rue, or better say, the path of the Creuse, which led to the castle of St. John. His house was the last house in the Creuse. In addition there were more than two or three barns.

For over an hour, le maître-fournier était attendu. Il était près de minuit, and master Fournier could not. Philibert and his wife, and his three sons and his elder daughter, had made all preparations intended for kneading bread, that good black bread the good old days, but we would not want to start work in the absence of the master fournier. Not only we will be exposed to displease him and be deprived of his services again, mais Philibert craignait de tout gâcher s’il n’était pas présent pour diriger les opérations. Personne n’avait au reste le droit de faire le pain et de le cuire au four banal sans son agrément…

The master Fournier had promised to arrive at eleven o'clock at the latest, et minuit était proche. Philibert n’osait sortir à cette heure pour aller à sa rencontre dans la direction du village de la Garde ; it was not prudent, et il fallait être un dur à cuire comme le maître-fournier pour oser tenter l’aventure. Il faut vous dire que le dernier raccard This way of Creuse going to be haunted. Every night about, there heard suspicious noises, and witches, were assured, y prenaient leurs ébats. Mais cela était le moindre des soucis du maître-fournier. Ne croyait-il pas à ces histoires ou bien possédait-il un secret pour se rendre invulnérable ou invisible ? On ne site, but it is well known is that almost every night he crossed the town, amounted to the guard or returned, franchissait le pont de S. Brancas and went to Vollèges or Bagnes, wherever his services were demanded.

– Qui est-ce qui passe ici si tard ?

This is the key S Fournier. White chi, perky and singing an old ballad, côtoie les hautes murailles du château de saint Jean et s’en va chez le bourgeois Philibert. Un solide gourdin à la main, he reels, and he sings, and he sings to give the heart and brighten the road. Voilà enfin la Creuse. Here ! What's that music in this raccard ? This is a montferrine. On danse dans le raccard, is, close, last, the largest. Seraient-ce des jeunes gars et des jouvencelles qui profitent de la nuit pour danser sans permission du seigneur ? Ah ! they, are taken, ils payeront une forte amende. Un grand tapage.

Looks like at least a hundred people, As the sound is great. Et quelle musique ! Jamais le maîtrefournier n’en a entendue de si entraînante. Il y a là deux ou trois vielleurs qui jouent, but play to want to do capers, bluestem as the old master fouriner. Here it before raccard. It is brightly lit, but as the door is closed, he must stick to his face gaps beams to see the beautiful sight.

– Yes, see dit-il, large company. And always come new couples.

Il les voit descendre le long d’une échelle qui va jusqu’à une soupente sous le toit. D’où viennent-ils ? Impossible to know. They continue to descend on the area full of couples, all beautifully attifés.

Ils sont tous vêtus magnifiquement : dancers, velvet dresses, or blue silk, lilac, Green, rouge ou orange ; dancers, clothes brown cloth end, vert olive ou bleu, large scarlet waistcoats, long closely fitting breeches leg ; ces chausses de diverses couleurs également ; they have long, long poulaines yellow leather. The men wear black velvet caps and wonderful egrets. All have clothes like those of their ancestors and, songs and language evoke a bygone era.

Oh ! as they sing, oh ! as they sing, and enthusiasm with which the couples turn, are serious bows, go to the middle of the area to meet couples facing them, backwards and return to their place, still cadence. Now they are swirling, and greet, putting his hand on the heart… And three vielleurs, all dressed in green, sing out loud while moving their right hand rhythmically on gut strings cat (no other cords that are worth) ; and means as they sing, as they sing, good string of three vielleurs wearing green.

What are you looking yet, master fournier ?

He looks the one who leads the dance, which excites the voice and look, all these dancers and all their beautiful, the master of dance acrobatics constantly from one corner of the area to another. He dances alone usually, but sometimes he offers his arm gracefully a fair-haired maiden, aux bras de neige, mais de nouveau le voilà qui danse tout seul : it is everywhere at once as he dances quickly. We believe that there are twenty masters of dance.

– Faster, Does it blows, more enthusiasm.

And couples fly and whirl, and music green vielleurs is softer or cuddly, silly fevered, bewitching, frenzied, as frenzied.

– What are you looking yet, master fournier ?

Il considère attentivement le maître du bal. I, ho c’est étrange ! Le maître du bal portait un pourpoint de velours vert, breeches red-light and long poulaines color breeches… Mais ce n’est pas cela qui intrigue le maître-fournier. Au sommet de la toque de velours rouge-feu, instead of egret sees spring two small horns, All, small, all cute… I, ho ! qu’est-ce que cela signifie ?

– What are you looking yet, master fournier ?

The master looks fournier eyes, the eyes of the person who directs the dance. They are these strange black eyes… deep black as a moonless night without stars, cold as steel a good sword, cold as ice seracs blues… those black eyes sometimes appear red while, redder and more flamboyant than the hose, toque and poulaines the dancing master, and they throw sparks. Quel feu mystérieux éclaire donc ces yeux noirs ?

– What are you looking yet, master fournier ?

-I, ho ! voilà qui est bien étrange. Ne dirait-on pas que le sire porte une queue rouge, une queue rouge-feu comme les chausses ?

Le maître-fournier n’a pas peur : he is a good three hairs, I have told you. It looks and smiles, and finally laugh out loud to see the red tail wagging and these cute horns pierce the red cap…

– What are you looking yet, master fournier ?

He considered carefully a butler, vêtu de vert de la tête aux pieds. L’échanson verse à boire aux danseurs et à leurs belles. It presents them in a golden cup smiling, and each one lets out a howl after emptying the cup. Small bluish flames fluttering above the cut. What is this liquor that the butler has a smile, bowing gracefully, à tous les couples ?

– More yl, I think I know, butler wearing this green ! I saw somewhere, says the master fournier, long since, long.

It seeks to put a name to this face, and suddenly, he uttered a little cry, joyeux :

– Yes, it must be him… Guido, the innkeeper S. Brancas que j’ai connu dans mon enfance. On en racontait de si drôles sur son compte… He had a smile so engaging to attract good burghers of S. Brancase… Yes, Credit for months and years… then, when came the joyous harvest, right down to the tavern with large barrels Fully, each pot and drank credit worth two or three pots, or even four new wine… and customers returning empty-handed to S. White, their barrels dry, and during this time the tanks and "bumps" and barrels of master bartender went back full to overflowing… parfois cn devait lui céder un bout de champ ou de pré pour continuer à boire à crédit son délicieux rouge de Fully ou son muscat pétillant ; sometimes it was a barn, a raccard, a fuel-oil, even a house he deigned to accept a reward for his good service… Here, he said to the master fournier, but it was beautiful to him raccard… the best fitting S. White… he had received in payment for good wine Fully, drank credit for two or three years…

And while the master Fournier laughed uproariously at the thought of the good towers of the old tavern he had known in his childhood, he suddenly heard the master of the ball say in a soft voice, mais légèrement narquoise :

– Hey, expensive tavern, will then pay your fine wine Fully than looking at us before raccard.

The master fournier no longer looks with curiosity, but he begins to understand that things could go wrong and, without, listen more, it descends to the next house where it is long overdue, with the speed of a young rascal who comes to play a dirty trick. He hears the door open raccard noisily, et voici qu’un homme court à sa poursuite. Le maître-fournier redouble de vitesse et arrive sous l’auvent de la maison du bourgeois Philibert et il le franchit d’un bond.

Il entend alors une voix aiguë qui glapit :

You got the Happiness of the avai passo pleuvein, qu'atremein you go di noutro… (you're lucky to have reached the canopy, if you were one of us).

The master enters fournier whirlwind in the house. He can not speak, as it is moved, lui le brave à trois poils qui ne sait ce que c’est que la peur ; his teeth are clenched and he collapses on a bench. It took nearly an hour to recover his composure and tell what he had seen.

We erected a cross in front of the raccard the Creuse to hunt these evil spirits who came to take their antics. It was before this cross that the population of S. Connect goes to great fanfare the holy day of Easter to sing hallelujah.

Not everyone knows the legend of the Creuse, but still, kids have adopted final lesson. When continuing the streets shrieking, if one of them to escape his comrades managed to hide in the corridor of a house, les autres ne manquent pas de lui lancer ces mots :

You got the Happiness of the avai passo pleuvein, qu'atremein you go di noutro.



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