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Events (21 April 2024)

... Go Tales ...

Date / time Event
1 January 2004 - 2 June 2024
Ballet Carnival Expo, Bâle (BS)
Minster Square 20, 4051 Basel
14 September 2023 - 12 June 2024
9:00 - 18:00
Leah Linh – Fortunes and Reflections in the Time of Peter II of Savoy
Avenue de Chillon 21, 1820 Veytaux
6 March 2024 - 6 November 2024
10:00 - 11:00
Discovery tour for toddlers “The big chest of stories”
Avenue de Chillon 21, 1820 Veytaux
17 March 2024 - 17 November 2024
11:00 - 13:00
Visit \”eating in the Middle Ages\” followed by lunch at Café Byron
Avenue de Chillon 21, 1820 Veytaux
7 April 2024 - 29 September 2024
14:15 - 17:15
Free Sunday tours : Daily life in the Middle Ages
Avenue de Chillon 21, 1820 Veytaux
21 April 2024
10:00 - 17:00
The exhibition “The adventurers of the slate mountain” resumes its Sunday openings from 7 avril au 7 July 2024 included
Street Legends, 1905 Dorenaz